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- IBMKEY v2.5 (27.1.97)
- #####################
- Copyright © 1997 Stephen Marsden
- Connect a PC keyboard to any Amiga.
- Inspired by Eric Rudolph.
- If people wish to sell this hack they are free to do so. It won't
- make you rich but it may help tower case manufacturers.
- ############
- This is a small hack I made many months ago and is the original reason
- for writing Epic. It is difficult for me to remember how it works
- but I will try my best. Here goes:
- Many A1200 owners have expanded their machines with CD-ROMS and
- hard-drives, the only problem being where to put them. The option of
- putting everything in a tower case has appealed to many people but the
- most difficult aspect is incorporating a detachable keyboard. It's
- not simply a matter of connecting a A1500 keyboard (you would have to
- find one first), but it also needs interfacing to the main motherboard.
- Owners of big box Amigas may also be interested in finding a cheap
- replacement for a broken keyboard or maybe they would prefer having
- a 'clicky' keyboard.
- Anyway, this hack allows you to add one of the vast array of cheap PC
- keyboards currently available. I hope someone finds it useful, but
- don't blame me if your motherboard goes up in smoke.
- ###############
- Many of you will be interested in how the keys are mapped on the PC
- keyboard as there are a number of differences to the Amiga's. So
- here goes:
- ## ##### ####
- L-Ctrl L-Amiga =Ctrl in Win95 mode.
- R-Ctrl R-Amiga =Ctrl in Win95 mode.
- Insert R-Amiga & 7 CygnusED
- Home Shift & Left-Cursor CygnusED, Reqtools.
- End Shift & Right-Cursor
- Page Up Shift & Up-Cursor
- Page Down Shift & Down-Cursor
- F11 \
- F12 Help
- Pause/Break Ctrl-C Break CLI commands.
- Scroll Lock ) Keypad
- Print Screen R-Amiga & P CygnusEd etc.
- Num Lock ( Keypad
- Left Win Key L-Amiga Win95 keyboard only.
- Right Win Key R-Amiga Win95 keyboard only.
- Menu L-Amiga & M Swap Screen (Win95).
- Caps Lock Ctrl When 2 keys are pressed.
- e.g. Caps & Q=Ctrl & Q
- (102-key mode only)
- If you have a Win95 keyboard then the keyboard reset is the usual
- 3 keys but remember that 'W' keys replace the 'A' keys.
- With a normal 102-key PC keyboard you press CAPS-CTRL-CTRL to get
- the same effect.
- In normal 102-key mode the Caps-Lock key works as normal but when
- used in combination with another key it will act as the Ctrl key.
- Because some of the keys on a PC keyboard have different legends on
- their keytops, I have created a keymap to make them work correct with
- an Amiga. This problem is mainly with shifted characters such as
- @'~# etc. Included are keymaps for English and German keyboards.
- Just copy them to your 'c:devs/keymaps/' directory. And select the
- one you want using 'c:prefs/input'.
- I'm not sure the German keymap works as I don't have a German keyboard.
- If someone creates keymaps for other nations then please uuencode me
- a copy so that I may include it in further releases.
- #############
- Once connected, if you press the '*' key on the numeric keypad
- 20 times you will be able to set up a couple of features. For this
- setup mode to work you will need to be in a text editor as the
- keyboard will try to communicate to you by writing to the screen.
- The settings are stored in non-volatile memory so you only have
- to do this once.
- Okay, load up CED or your favourite editor. Press '*' key 20 times
- and you should see:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Notes:
- ******************* -> '*' key Pressed 20 times
- 1= UK 102 KEY -> Use 1 & 2 on main keyboard
- 2= UK 105 KEY WIN95
- OK -> Make your selection
- OK -> Make your selection
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- If you get garbage on the screen then it may be that you pressed
- a key while the chip is writing to screen.
- The keyboard option allows you to use the new Window '95 keyboards
- which have 3 extra keys. This is probably the best option as the windows
- keys are direct replacements for the special Amiga keys.
- The slow reset option has been added to cure the booting problem
- WB3.0 has with some hard-drives. When power is switched on to the
- Amiga, the slow reset option will allow the hard-drive an extra few
- seconds to spin upto speed. It does this by holding the reset line
- low for a few seconds when the machine is first switched on. This
- is not required for WB3.1 ROM's which cures the problem.
- INTERFACE (see keyboard.iff)
- #########
- I've tried to make this as simple as possible but it does require a
- skilled hand at soldering. The number of components is minimal so the
- cost should be less than £10 and are readily available from most
- electronic stores.
- This design does not require any PCB tracks or chip legs to be cut.
- Two resistors are used to prevent conflicts with the original keyboard
- CPU. This means that you can still use the original A1200 keyboard
- at the same time as a detachable one. It must be made clear that this
- is a naughty hack but it works fine here. If the motherboard keyboard
- CPU is taken offline then the two interface resistors are not
- required.
- It is possible to use a 44-pin PLCC to sit on top of 8520 CIA chip.
- This is the method I used but a soldered joint will be more reliable
- as the socket tries to jump off.
- Although this circuit has been made for an A1200 it can be easily
- adapted for an A500, A3000, A4000 etc. Just find the correct pinout
- and connect it up as required (47R & 330R resistors not used). The
- big box Amigas may need an external reset switch as I understand
- they have reset timer. Unfortunately I can't test this as I only
- have an A1200.
- The keyboard requires a 0V and +5V supply which can be taken off the
- internal floppy power connector.
- If you have mounted your A1200 in a tower case then you may wish to
- connect the reset switch between 0V and the motherboard reset. This
- is probably more reliable.
- Keep the wires short between the Amiga and PIC because noise on the
- signal lines can cause problems.
- If you get lots of ' characters then you probably have the CLK and
- DAT lines swapped on the motherboard.
- Amiga keyboards are meant to send a reset warning code to the
- computer but I don't think I got it to work properly. I can only
- think of one program that uses it anyway. Maybe I'll buy the RKM's
- one day to see how it works.
- Good Luck!
- AUTHOR: Stephen Marsden
- #######
- If you want to contact the author of this program then please write
- to the following addresses:
- email: Ste@smarsden.demon.co.uk (Home)
- malobs@oslo.expl.pgs.com (Work) Subject: Ste
- I work away from home for long periods so try either address and don't
- expect a speedy reply.
- snail-mail:
- Stephen Marsden
- 9 Lumley Road
- Redcar
- Cleveland
- TS10 2BD